Saturday, November 22, 2008

San Francisco

I just received conformation yesterday about a trip to San Francisco I applied for this January. I will be traveling there with 8 other Luther students for 10 days exploring Internet technology and how it has changed marketing, communications and the operations of every business in our society. The trip takes place from January 12-23 and I will be able to visit companies and key people in the valley including entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, engineers and marketing professionals. Some of the companies we will be visiting include Google, Apple, Facebook, TechCrunch, and more recent startups.

The majority of our trip will be spent in Silicon Valley, which is is home to the people, places and power sources that drive the technological world. This trip will help me gain both theoretical and tactical training in the diverse field of online marketing and social media optimization, as well get the opportunity to speak with leaders in this industry and explore the companies they represent.

Along with the opportunity to visit and speak with these technological leaders, I will be able to explore the city of San Francisco which I am very excited about. I have never been West of Arizona and have always wanted to visit California. I will be posting about my travels while I am there so stay tuned.

Otherwise, enjoy the snow!

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